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Personal data Name * Date of birth Phone * Are you baptized in the Orthodox Church? YesNo Name day Address Email *
Spouse data Spouse's name Spouse's date of birth Spouse's phone number Is your spouse baptized? YesNo Spouse's birthday Are you married in an Orthodox church? YesNo
Your children's names
Date of birth of your children
Are your children baptized in the Orthodox church? YesNo
Your children's name day
How are you ready to help the parish? You can mark several options Service in the choirSpiritual enlightenmentBrotherhoodSisterhoodSite managementTransport assistanceVisiting the sickMaking prosphoraWashing church vestmentsAltar serviceCleaning in the churchReading during Worship Other
Dear brothers and sisters! The parish could not exist without your annual donations. All donations are tax-free. Failure to pay contributions within 3 months will result in the deprivation of the right to vote and election to parish offices. Paypal: Send the receipt to: St. Joseph of Optina Russian Orthodox Church P.O. Box 64476 Virginia Beach, VA 23467 I/we undertake to pay the membership fee MonthlyYearly How to get a report on your donation: MailEmail