Dear brothers and sisters!
In the most difficult moments, we all come to Church, approach the Holy Icons, light candles, pray for the living and the dead, and ask the Lord for help.
The construction of temples has long been considered the greatest virtue; Churches have always been built by the whole world. This is a holy cause. So let’s leave our mark on this earth as well: we will create a treasury for the salvation of the immortal soul and leave our children the opportunity to remember us with dignity.
We cordially urge you to unite in solving the difficult and valuable task of building our temple.
Our temple will become a spiritual haven for those who seek self-realization in their religious life and a cultural center for those who share the traditions of their ever-memorable ancestors. The temple will undoubtedly become a unique architectural decoration of Hampton Roads, Virginia. Such a project can be possible only if all the faithful Orthodox believers unite in their efforts to support.
Let us remember that the Church always prays for builders, benefactors, and donors of churches. The Lord accepts our donations and blesses us and, through us, our families.
We appreciate your support!
With gratitude, the parish members of the St. Joseph of Optina parish.
Donate to the construction
A fundraiser has been opened for the construction of a spiritual and educational center.
Collected: 0$